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Collecting Money

Donate to Age in Spain.

We urgently need your support to maintain and expand our services for English speaking people in Spain. Please make a donation today. Your gift really helps.

Age in Spain completely relies on public support. This year, without any government grants to help, we are really struggling!

In fact, we have already had to cut our free Infoline service by 50% - free, accessible and person centred support by phone and email, helping 100 people every week with timely, trusted and transparent information - to help everyone make informed decisions at the pace they need.

Our Friendline telephone support service needs your donation to help us train more volunteers to provide one to one support to isolated older people.


Our Casework service, which helps the most vulnerable older people, costs €100 a time for a home visit to link people to the services and support they need.


Help us to be be here today - and for your tomorrow - by making a donation. It really does make a difference.

Make a credit or debit card donation

It's easy to donate to Age in Spain using a card. Simply use the link below to securely send a one off or monthly donation.

How to give more - for less!

If you are an individual tax payer in Spain - you can increase your donation by up to 80% and recoup the difference via your tax return.  So, if you donate, say, €100 now, and you are a standard rate tax payer, you can get up to €80 of that back from your declaracion de la renta (Spanish annual tax return). Your larger donations can get up to 35% tax relief too! Businesses too can get tax benefits from donating by 35 - 40%.) 



For every donation you make, we can send you a tax certificate by email, that you submit when you make your annual tax return. The saving  is credited to your tax account. Amazingly simple! As an individual tax payer, you can make a donation of €150 and it can cost you as little as €30. Now that's a win/win. 


So, please, help us now. 

Want to donate by bank transfer, or help in another way? 

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