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Circle of Life

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

This series of guides cover:


The Civil Register

The Civil Register is where all births, marriages and deaths are required to be registered. There are local Civil Registry offices, usually in the Town Hall where you live. You can find the details of the local civil registries HERE.


Registering the birth of your new baby

All births in Spain, need to be registered at the Civil Registry by the registrar, in order to produce an official record that a baby has been born. In the case that the maternity unit has not notified of the birth of the baby, any person who has a duty to register the birth must do so within 10 days at a Civil Registry. However, in exceptional circumstances, this can be extended to 30 days.

You can find more details on how to register the birth of your baby here:


Getting married in Spain

Many people decide that they wish to perform their marriage vows in Spain. Whether you live in Spain on a permanent basis, or you are travelling from another country, you are required to ensure you follow the relevant administrative processes to ensure your marriage will be recognised. You can ready more information on the process here:


Civil Partnership - Pareja de hecho

Becoming a Pareja Estable, also known as Pareja de Hecho, is an alternative option to marriage for many couples who wish to legalise a stable relationship. It has to be noted that although in some legal aspects the Pareja Estable resembles marriage, they are not equal in terms of rights and obligations. We recommend you seek advice from a specialist lawyer to see if it is appropriate for your situation.

The general requirements to become a Pareja de Hecho are:

  • The parties are over 18 years old.

  • They are single and not married. If divorced, the certificate of divorce is required.

  • At least one of the couple must be registered in the autonomous community where the application is being made.

  • The couple can demonstrate a minimum period of joint cohabitation.

  • There is evidence that they both live at the same address.

NB these requirements can vary between autonomous communities, and we suggest you consult with your local authority on the specific requirements in your region.

You can find our guides on the process in Catalonia, and in the Balearics below:


Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a way of giving someone you trust, your attorney, the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf. You can give a power of attorney to any adult with full mental capacity. This is very useful at different stages of life, especially to resolve administrative procedures when you are away or partially incapacitated.

Here is the Age in Spain guide on power of attorney.:


Making a will

If you die without a valid will, your money and possessions may not go to the people you would like them to.

A will is the only way to make sure your savings and possessions (your estate) go to the people and causes that you care about. A will is not obligatory, but it is highly advisable.

If you have money and possessions in more than one country, or you have a will but have since changed your country of residency, you need to be sure that your wishes are completely covered.

The Age in Spain will writing service is here to help. You can read more here:


What to do when someone dies in Spain

Age in Spain provides a comprehensive information Fact Sheet, which can be accessed here:

The Factsheet covers:

  • Planning ahead

  • Informing the authorities

  • Protecting funeral wishes

  • Death certificates

  • Registering a death

  • Funeral arrangements

  • Wills and inheritance

We hope you found this information useful. If you need further help, please do not hesitate to contact us on our Infoline.


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