A summary of the help and links to the free resources that are available to carers of people with dementia, wherever you are. Dementia Carers Count is the only UK charity supporting the 700,000 family carers looking after someone with dementia. Its free services give family carers the opportunity to learn and understand more about dementia and to connect with others in a similar situation. They offer practical advice on the reality and challenges of being a carer.
The professional team at Dementia Carers Count recognises the difficulties you face when looking after someone with dementia are unique. They are often hidden challenges without a one-size-fits-all solution. Sometimes the answer is as practical as fitting a stair lift or commode, but how do you deal with being asked the same questions every day? How can you best support somebody’s wellbeing when their perception of the world is forever changing?
The breadth and depth of experience from Dementia Carers Count will help guide you through the ever-changing landscape of dementia care.
No one should face the challenges of caring for someone with dementia alone.
Where the resources below refer to your rights and services, bear in mind that the information is written for people living in the UK. The general information is useful for everyone.
Are you a carer?
The word ‘carer’ can be associated with feelings of resentment or a loss of identity, but if someone with dementia relies on your help you’re covered by our use of the term – and you’re still lots of other things too.
We know that caring for a family member or friend with dementia can be incredibly hard. The person with dementia is likely someone you’ve known for much of your life and care for deeply.
Watching someone’s personality, mood or behaviour change can be both distressing and challenging. From the dementia diagnosis and beyond there are physical, psychological and financial implications for you as a carer and for your whole family.
Finding the right support can be crucial not only to your wellbeing but to your ability to be an effective carer for your family member or friend. As the cabin crew on a flight say: “Put your own oxygen mask on first”.
Read this article for more helpful information: The term carer does count
Information library: Virtual Carers Centre (VCC)
The Virtual Carers Centre has a comprehensive set of articles, videos, podcasts and presentations covering the most common themes, questions and concerns we hear from those looking after someone living with dementia.
Find out what’s on offer: https://dementiacarers.org.uk/vcc/
A tour of the VCC:
Online support and learning on Zoom
Dementia Carers Count hosts regular online learning and support groups on Zoom. These are designed to help you cope with the daily highs and lows of caring for someone with dementia. We welcome you even before a diagnosis and encourage questions.
You can book all of the sessions on the DCC website or if you prefer via Eventbrite.
All online sessions are free to family / unpaid carers. If you work for an organisation and are interested in one or more of our courses please contact the friendly team: support@dementiacarers.org.uk
Age in Spain partners with Dementia Carers Count so that everyone can benefit from important resources that help.
Before you go!
We absolutely depend upon the vital support of people like you to ensure that our services are freely available for everyone who needs help, including people living with dementia.
Can you help us?
To help everyone plan their life to the fullest in Spain, whatever their health condition or that of their family member, we help people access the services and support available. Through our trusted telephone and email Infoline service, our trained volunteers give timely, direct help to people who need extra support to maintain their independence and dignity in older age.
Our Friendline service provides a regular weekly call to help people who feel alone, including people with early stage dementia and carers.
Your regular donation of just €10 per month will enable us to provide a weekly friendship call to an isolated older person, every week of the year.
Your one off donation of €50 will enable us to make a home visit to a vulnerable person who is struggling to access vital services and needs hands on help when telephone and email support are just not enough.
Please help. We completely rely on public donations to provide our services. https://www.ageinspain.org/donate.
Thank you.
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Age in Spain provides information about service providers for information only. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by Age in Spain. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. Age in Spain does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.