Who is this guide for?
This guide is for UK citizens who had the right to residency in Spain before 1 January 2021 and currently hold a TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjeros/Foreigner’s Identity Card) that needs renewal.
Understanding Your TIE Card:
Expiry Date:
Your TIE will have an expiration date of 5 years or 10 years from the issue date.
Permanent Residency (10-Year TIE):
If you were already a permanent resident when your TIE was issued, your card will have a 10-year expiry.
Temporary Residency (5-Year TIE):
If you were a temporary resident when your TIE was issued, your card will have a 5-year expiry.
Becoming a Permanent Resident:
After completing 5 years of legal residency, you can qualify for permanent residency. Your status as a permanent resident starts 5 years from the date your temporary residency was granted, not from the issue date of your TIE. To check if you qualify for permanent residency, refer to our complete guide here.
When Can You Apply for a New TIE?
You can apply to renew your TIE up to 60 days before it expires and there is a grace period of up to 90 days after expiration. If you miss this timeframe, you may need to restart the entire residency application process.
'Upgrading' to a Permanent TIE:
Once you’ve reached 5 qualifying years of residency, you can exchange your temporary TIE for one that reflects permanent residency.
Important Note: Some immigration offices may ask you to wait until your current TIE expires before applying for a new card reflecting your permanent residency status. You can persevere but if you are unsuccessful and need proof of your right to permanent residency then you can apply for a "Certificado de Residencia" here.
What if You Don’t Have a TIE?
If you still have the old green residency card or an A4 residency certificate, a different process applies. For more details, see our dedicated guide here.
By following these steps, you can ensure your residency status remains up to date and compliant with Spanish regulations.
How to Renew a Withdrawal Agreement TIE
Stage 1 - Obtain an appointment.
Appointments can be quite difficult to obtain in some areas - we recommend you start this procedure 60 days before the expiry of your TIE card.
Firstly you need to obtain an appointment (cita previa) online see the SEDE website here.
Select the Region where you live. The procedure may vary depending on where you live, you may have to carry out the procedure at the Policia Nacional, in others it may be at the Oficina de Extranjero.
Ensure you enter any codes sent to your mobile device to confirm the appointment. Some areas may ask you to telephone for an appointment, others may ask you to leave your details and someone will call you back to arrange the appointment.
One appointment needs to be made for each person, children must be accompanied by an adult.
Documentation for appointment one.
Confirmation of the appointment - ensure you take a copy of the confirmation which includes the appointment number (Numero de Justificante de Cita)
Your existing TIE card
A completed EX23 form
A current copy of your Padron (Certificado o Volante de empadronamiento) dated within 3 months. - Whilst this is not listed as a requirement unless you have changed your address, we would always recommend taking a copy along with you.
A valid passport and a copy of the personal details page
A completed Modelo 790-012 that has been paid at a bank. When completing the modelo 790, select the option 'Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión' under the heading 'Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes comunitarios'. Whilst this may seem odd, it is the only option that is for the correct fee of €12.
A recent colour photograph of the applicant's face, 32x26 millimetres in size, with a plain white background, taken from the front with the head completely uncovered and without dark glasses or any other clothing that could prevent or hinder the identification of the person. (The photograph must clearly show the oval of the face, including eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and chin, and must be high resolution and on good quality photographic paper.)
Under the EU laws, you could be asked to prove that you remain legally resident when changing from temporary to permanent residency. It may be advisable to take along evidence of your health cover, income, etc.
Stage 2 Attend Appointment One
All the forms listed above will be checked and collected. Your TIE card and passport will be examined and returned to you.
Depending on the office you will be asked to make another appointment to return to collect the TIE (it may be a different office) or you may be given a “Lote” number. The Lote numbers are the batch numbers and announced when they are ready for collection, how and where these numbers are shared is dependent on the location.
Stage 3 Collecting your TIE
If an appointment is required in your location, visit the SEDE website once more here and this time select “POLICÍA - RECOGIDA DE TARJETA DE IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO (TIE)”
Documentation for collecting your TIE.
Confirmation of the appointment - ensure you take a copy of the confirmation which includes the appointment number (Numero de Justificante de Cita)
Your existing TIE card
A valid passport
They will take your fingerprints again to confirm your identity and then you will be issued with your new 10 year TIE.
Whilst you are at the appointment, check the following details on the new card are correct and request a change if you find any discrepancies:
Front of card should show “ARTÍCULO 50 TUE” & “PERMANENTE”
Reverse Side under Observaciones: “EMITIDO BAJO ART. 18.4 ACUERDO RETIRADA”
Unable to attend in Person?
If the person requiring the card is incapacitated and unable to attend the office to have their fingerprints taken then the procedure can vary in each Region. In the first instance their representative should approach their local office with the person’s proof of identity, their own proof of identity and a letter from the person’s doctor confirming their incapacity. Usually the Police will make a visit to the incapacitated person to confirm their identity and inability to have their fingerprints taken. The person will then have a card issued without prints.
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