
Aug 23, 20236 min

Remote Working (Digital Nomad) Visa - Guide

Updated: 2 days ago

The remote working visa (in Spanish, Teletrabajadores de Carácter Internacional, and known as the Digital Nomad visa) is a Spanish visa available for non-EU nationals over 18 years of age who work remotely for non-Spanish companies. It allows you to enjoy life in Spain while working in another country.

Self-employed freelancers with multiple clients as well as remote workers employed by a single company outside of Spain are eligible for the visa.

How does it work?

The remote working visa enables you to legally live in Spain for 1 year or more.

Visa applicants are from outside of the European Economic Area and must not be living illegally in Spain at the time of their application. Also, they cannot have had a residency permit in Spain within the five years prior to their application.

In addition, they need to show that:

  • they have worked with their clients or company for more than three months before applying.

  • the company they work for has been operating for at least one year.

  • they have an employment contract.

  • or if freelancing, that they have been regularly employed by a company outside of Spain.

  • their job can be done remotely.

  • they are qualified or experienced in their field.

Essential requirements for a remote working visa

* You are a non-EU national over 18 years of age.

* Evidence (usually in the form of bank statements, contracts, and invoices) that you are financially stable and have sufficient means to sustain yourself and your family members/dependants. You will be required to show at least 200% of the Spanish Minimum Monthly Salary for yourself. (This amounts to €2,520 per month or €30,240 per year in 2023.)

If you have dependents, the first must have as sufficient means at least 75% of the Minimum Monthly Salary, with an additional 25% each for other dependents.

* A recent criminal record certificate.

* You have comprehensive health cover that is equal or superior to that provided by the Spanish public health service.

Please note: All foreign documents must be translated into Spanish by a sworn translator and legalised or apostilled.

Sorting out your health insurance cover

It is vital that you put into place the correct type of health insurance cover when applying for a visa. The Spanish authorities will check that your health insurance offers at least equal cover to the Spanish Healthcare System, without any co-payments, excess, or exclusions.

There are many health insurance companies and policies to choose from, so make sure that you know what you are buying. Age in Spain can help. Contact us to speak to a healthcare advisor, with extensive experience of the different systems and healthcare providers in Spain. The advisor can help if:

You want to have a one-to-one discussion about your healthcare options - public and private healthcare.

You want to discuss your private health insurance options before getting a quote or at any point in the application process.

You need a medical certificate to support a new VISA application.

You are looking for private medical insurance.

You want access to English speaking healthcare services (not widely available in the state system).

email for more information.

If you decide to use a health insurance company with which we directly partner through our referral system, we will receive a small donation from the company to support our vital services - at no extra cost to you- if your policy is accepted. This will not affect the independence or quality of the help we give you. We will always be transparent with you to help you ensure you can make an informed decision about the policies that best meets your requirements.

Visa application process - How to get started

If applying from outside Spain:

You can apply for Spain's digital nomad visa directly through a consulate or embassy in your home country. Your visa will be valid for 1 year.

Send an email to the consulate with the following information:

Subject line: enter the type of visa you are applying for (in this case, the Remote Worker Visa).

In the body text:

Your personal details: full name, nationality, passport number and phone number.

Type of visa you are applying for (remote worker visa).

Reason for requesting the visa.

Desired date of the appointment. The consular office will confirm the date and time of your appointment taking into account your desired date.

Applying from within Spain:

You will need to apply within 3 months of arriving on a tourist visa. Applications are made through the Spanish government website, which is currently being adapted to accommodate the new visa. The visa will be valid for 3 years, and renewable for 2 more years.

Documents needed for your application

This link here takes you to an information leaflet which has been generated by the Consulate General of Spain in London and is valid for the visa application in the United Kingdom. It contains links to the required application forms and payment forms.

Copy of complete passport or valid travel document (all pages).

  • Proof of payment of the fee – with proof of payment if not reflected on the 790 form itself.

  • Application form signed by the applicant.

  • Proof of an employment/professional relationship of at least three months upon the date of the application between the foreign company (or companies) and the remote worker applicant.

  • Proof of real and continuous activity for at least one year maintained by the foreign company or group of companies that have a relationship with the applicant.

  • Letter from the foreign company, authorising the development of the work remotely from Spain, as well as accrediting the profile of the position, the salary to be received, and the terms and other conditions under which the professional activity will be carried out.

  • Copy of the professional qualification related to the performance of the post or, if applicable, the minimum substitute experience in functions analogous to the post to be filled.

  • Certificate of Social Security coverage (if there is an agreement with the country of origin) or registration with the Spanish Social Security system, accrediting at least the application for registration of the foreign company with Spanish Social Security and the commitment to register once the authorisation has been obtained before the start of work.

  • Current criminal record certificate from the country or countries where the applicant has resided for the last two years. In addition, the applicant must submit a declaration of non-existence of criminal record for the last 5 years. (This will not be applicable when the applicant is the holder of a residency permit or has stayed in Spain for more than 6 months and has already provided this proof to obtain this authorization).

  • Public or private health insurance. (Not necessary in the case of registration with the Social Security). Travel insurance is not accepted.

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Before you go! We absolutely depend upon the vital support of people like you to ensure that our services and guides are freely available for everyone who needs help. Since the ending of our successful UK Government funded residency project earlier this year, we no longer get any government financial support. So from July 2022, we don’t have enough money to keep our Infoline and Casework support services running full time.

Can you help us?

Your regular donation of just €10 per month will enable us to provide a weekly friendship call to an isolated older person, every week of the year.

Your one off donation of €50 will enable us to make a home visit to a vulnerable person who is struggling to access vital services.

A regular donation of €100 per month will enable us to open our phone lines for longer, so we can continue to help make a difference every day of the week.

It’s easy to make a donation by credit or debit card - here is the link to our donations page.

And remember, if you are a tax payer in Spain, you can claim up to 80% tax relief on your donations of up to 150€ in any tax year and 35% tax relief on amounts over that. So a 20€ donation could cost you only 4€ - or a donation of 100€ would cost you just 20€. We will send you a receipt so you can reclaim your tax when you submit your tax return.


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Age in Spain provides information about service providers for information only. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by Age in Spain. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. Age in Spain does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.
