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Getting a Residency Card (TIE) after you have received your VISA


Updated: Aug 20, 2024

*This guide only explains the process to obtain the physical biometric card (TIE). If you want to know about how to apply for the TIE under the scope of the Withdrawal Agreeement, please check our complete guide on the process.*

Applying for the TIE

If you hold a Visa, an EU Residence Certificate (temporary or permanent) or have obtained a favorable resolution after presenting the EX-20 application, you can apply for the TIE. To request the TIE it is necessary to make an appointment online with the Oficina de Extranjeros - cita previa-, which can be done here.

Currently, the Spanish administration has created a special option for the new TIE. Select the province where you live and the option "Policía-Exp. Toma de huellas" (or“Policia-Exp. Tarjeta Asociada al Acuerdo de Retirada Ciudadanos Británicos y sus familiares (Brexit)" if you are applying for the TIE under the Withdrawal Agreement) at the "Trámites Cuerpo Nacional de Policía tab, and follow the further instructions.

Completing this process will arrange an appointment at an Immigration Office or your local Police Station for a specific date and time.

Once the appointment is arranged, the UK national will need to provide the following documents:

  • Your Visa//Residence certificate // Resolución favorable from Extranjería

  • Filled EX-17 form (for Visa applicants)

  • Passport (original and copy of all pages)

  • Proof (printed) of payment of the tax 790 code 012. Take the downloaded 790-012 form to any bank to pay the fee. Many banks prefer you to pay through the automatic teller machine. It cannot be paid online.

  • Passport-size photograph 32x26.

  • Padrón. Original and copy, issued within the last 3 months.

In case you are not informed by the police on how to pick up your new TIE, you will be able to pick up your card by booking an appointment here. Select the province where you live and the option “Policia-Recogida Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero” -Trámites Cuerpo Nacional de Policía tab-.

This process can't be done by a representative and the applicant must present the documents and pick up the card in person.


Before you go! We absolutely depend upon the vital support of people like you to ensure that our services and guides are freely available for everyone who needs help. Since the ending of our successful UK Government funded residency project earlier this year, we no longer get any government financial support. So from July 2022, we don’t have enough money to keep our Infoline and Casework support services running full time.

Can you help us?

Your regular donation of just €10 per month will enable us to provide a weekly friendship call to an isolated older person, every week of the year.

Your one off donation of €50 will enable us to make a home visit to a vulnerable person who is struggling to access vital services.

A regular donation of €100 per month will enable us to open our phone lines for longer, so we can continue to help make a difference every day of the week.

It’s easy to make a donation by credit or debit card - here is the link to our donations page.

And remember, if you are a tax payer in Spain, you can claim up to 80% tax relief on your donations of up to 150€ in any tax year and 35% tax relief on amounts over that. So a 20€ donation could cost you only 4€ - or a donation of 100€ would cost you just 20€. We will send you a receipt so you can reclaim your tax when you submit your tax return.



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Age in Spain provides information about service providers for information only. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change at any time. None of the service providers are endorsed or recommended by Age in Spain. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable. Age in Spain does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information.Before you go! We absolutely depend upon the vital support of people like you to ensure that our services are freely available for everyone who needs help.


informing, empowering, connecting - here for your tomorrow!


C/Can Maçanet  3 Bajos Izquierda, Palma de Mallorca, 07003 Spain


Tues-Thurs 11:00-13:00 Closed on weekends and spanish holidays

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